

Radnička cesta 34
10000 Zagreb - Croatia
The company is entered in the court register at the Commercial Court in Zagreb under no mbs: 080202047
OIB: 98564742287
giro account number: 2360000-1101239536
share capital: 5.640,00 EUR paid in full
Zagrebačka banka d.d., Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 10, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
IBAN: HR4823600001101239536

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I hereby give my voluntary consent for my personal data (name and surname, e-mail address) to be used for the purpose of providing information. Agitrade d.o.o., Radnička cesta 34, 10000 Zagreb, VAT No.: 98564742287 will use the specified data only for the specified purpose and will not provide it to third parties. The data will be used only for the purpose of providing information. I am aware of the right to request from Agitrade d.o.o. access to my personal data, correction, deletion of data, restriction of processing, the right to object to processing, the right to data portability, the right to file a complaint with the competent authority if I believe that there has been any violation in the processing of data.